Since its incorporation in 1960, the unprecedented growth of San Dimas has transformed the City from an essentially rural area to a well-balanced community offering industrial, commercial, and residential living. In addition to the 1,700 acre Frank G. Bonelli Recreational Area which lies within the City boundaries, there are many parks such as San Dimas Canyon Park, a city-owned golf course (San Dimas Canyon Golf Club), and over 27 miles of equestrian trails for riding. The city services include an extensive recreational program for youth and for senior citizens, and the City boasts a new modern City Hall, with excellent provisions made for County Sheriff and Fire Departments, along with a fine Los Angeles County Library and Engineering Regional Office.
This page is an introduction to the City’s demographic profile. The data Source of these charts and graphs come from, U.S. Census Bureau, 2012-2016 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates.
San Dimas Total Population estimate was 34,109 in 2016. The population is broken down as follows:

When compared to the US, State, and County; San Dimas’ population is broken down as seen below:

The educational attainment breakdown for the city of San Dimas and a comparison between the country, state and county is seen below. Approximately 47% of the population have a degree after high school.

Below, we see some more socioeconomic characteristics. The median income and unemployment levels are compared against the country, state, and county.

Below are some of the current housing characteristics for the city of San Dimas. Although homes and rent in San Dimas are higher than the rest of the county, state, and even country; the city enjoys a high rate of homeownership with most of the homes being built in the 1960s-1980s.