City Construction Projects

Construction Updates
Visit this page for construction and related notices for work occurring in San Dimas.
Note that while the City makes every attempt to provide you with the most up-to-date information, construction schedules may change with little or no notice for various reasons, including, but not limited to, weather conditions and unforeseen delays.  Thank you for your patience as we work together to improve the City of San Dimas!
Please click here for the most up-to-date information on the Foothill Gold Line.
Click here to view recently completed projects.

CC2024-01 East Via Vaquero - Street Improvement Project

Construction Update: 10/16/2024
The contractor will begin potholing to locate existing utilities starting on 10/21/2024. Work hours are scheduled from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM. During this period (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM), the City will provide alternative parking options, as shown in the image below. The contractor will notify residents in advance when driveway access may be limited.

Residents who typically leave before 8 AM and return after 5 PM should experience minimal disruptions.

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Construction Update: 3/20/2024:
We are excited to announce a significant infrastructure improvement project that will enhance the quality and safety of our community's road network. The project encompasses the removal and replacement of asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete on East Via Vaquero, Pistol Creek, and Cedar Creek. Our key objectives are to enhance safety, reduce future maintenance costs, and provide a visually pleasing, smooth street surface. The project spans approximately 45,000 square feet of pavement reconstruction and rehabilitation, utilizing a total of 1,200 tons of asphalt concrete pavement and performing Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) improvements, alongside re-striping of traffic legends. The total cost amounts to $450,000.00, with $400,000.00 covered by SB-1 funds (Gas Tax) and $50,000.00 from Measure R funds, emphasizing City’s commitment to utilizing state and local resources for community benefit. We understand that construction projects may cause temporary inconvenience, but we assure you that every effort will be made to minimize disruptions and complete the work efficiently. Your cooperation and patience during the construction period are greatly appreciated as we work towards creating a safer and more aesthetically pleasing environment for all residents.

CC2024-07 Slurry Zone 6 & 9
Zone Map
The Slurry Seal Maintenance Project will provide pavement maintenance for approximately 3,800,000 square feet of asphalt pavement. The City utilizes a pavement management program to schedule routine maintenance of residential streets which is designed to minimize the cost of ongoing street maintenance. This project was awarded by City Council to Roy Allen Slurry Seal Inc. The project will place crack seal on various city streets followed by slurry seal and will conclude with new traffic striping. The Slurry Seal application will help preserve and protect the underlying pavement structure and provide a new driving surface. The entire project will cost $900,000 and construction is scheduled to finish in November. At the end of the project the slurried streets will have a near new surface that not only protects but provides an aesthetically pleasing finish to the street.

During construction, there will be temporary traffic impacts and traffic may be restricted. This is necessary to provide adequate safety for passing traffic and construction workers. While we understand that construction projects may cause temporary inconvenience, your cooperation and patience during the construction period are greatly appreciated as we work towards creating a more aesthetically pleasing environment for all residents. For any questions please contact the City’s Public Works Department at (909) 394-6240 or via email at

Construction Update 9/18/24:
Starting Monday, September 23, 2024 through Friday, September 27, 2024, the contractor will place slurry seal per the schedule linked below. Streets will be closed to vehicle traffic and pedestrians starting at 8:00 am to 4:00 pm during application and until the slurry seal cures. Sidewalks in the affected areas will remain open.
Schedule 9/23 - 9/27 Zones 6
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Construction Update 9/11/24:
Starting Monday, September 16, 2024 through Friday, September 20, 2024, the contractor will place slurry seal per the schedule linked below. Streets will be closed to vehicle traffic and pedestrians starting at 8:00 am to 4:00 pm during application and until the slurry seal cures. Sidewalks in the affected areas will remain open.
Schedule 9/16 - 9/20 Zones 6 & 9
Zone 9 9.16-9.20
Zone 6 9.16-9.20

Construction Update 9/6/24:
The contractor will place slurry seal per the schedule linked below starting Monday, September 09, 2024.  Streets will be closed to vehicle traffic and pedestrians (sidewalk will remain open) starting at 8:00 am to 4:00 pm during application and until the slurry seal cures.
Schedule map
CC2024-02 Lone Hill- Street Improvement Project

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Construction Update 6/07/2024
Starting June 10, the City’s contractor Vance Corporation will mobilize equipment and start removal and replacement of concrete sidewalks and ramps. Vehicle traffic on Lone Hill Avenue will be reduced to one lane in each direction between Cienega Avenue and Covina Boulevard during working hours of 7:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Construction Update: 5/31/24
You are cordially invited to find out more information about the project and its impact at the meeting scheduled for Thursday, June 06, 2024 at 6:00 pm at San Dimas City Hall. Members of the Public Works Department and the project’s contractor, Vance Corporation. will provide a project overview, projected schedule, and will address any questions or concerns that may arise.  For additional information please contact the City’s Public Works Department at (909) 394-6240 or via email at

Construction Notice

Construction Update: 3/20/2024
The SB1 Funded Lone Hill Avenue Street Improvement Project will reconstruct Lone Hill Avenue between Covina Boulevard and W Cienega Avenue providing reduced future maintenance costs, increased safety, and an aesthetically pleasing, smoother, and quieter street surface for residents for decades to come.  This project will reconstruct approximately 97,000 square feet of pavement using approximately 4,700 tons of asphalt concrete. Along with the street rehabilitation, this project will replace minor curb, gutter, sidewalk panels, and corner ramps to improve accessibility.
This project incorporates environmentally friendly and cost-effective rubberized asphalt pavement which incorporates used automobile tires into our pavement design. This process will divert approximately 2,000 California automobile tires from going directly into a landfill while significantly improving the performance of our roads including reduced pavement cracking, reduced pavement noise, and longer lasting and more resilient pavement.
The project costs approximately $1.2 million and a portion of that amount is SB1 funded. In addition to fixing our local roads, SB1 provides investments to make significant improvements to the state highway system throughout California. The full list of projects can be found at

While we understand that construction projects may cause temporary inconvenience, your cooperation and patience during the construction period are greatly appreciated as we work towards creating a more aesthetically pleasing environment for all residents.

AQMD - MSRC Grant Program
The City of San Dimas has received a grant from the Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Committee through the South Coast Air Quality Management District. The grant will be used towards upgrading traffic signals to meet state requirements for bicycle detection at three intersections in San Dimas. For more information, please visit the MSRC website or view this flyer.