Assembly Bill 2234

Assembly Bill 2234
AB 2234 requires a local agency to compile a list of information needed to approve or deny a post-entitlement phase permit.  Additionally, the local agency is required to post an example of a complete, approved application and an example of a complete set of post-entitlement phase permits for at least 5 types of housing development projects, as defined, in the jurisdiction, as specified, and to make those items available to all applications for these permits no later than January 1, 2024.
Building Permits
A Building Permit is required for all projects that involve alterations of structures, in whole or in part, including, but not limited to, any Architectural, Landscape, Demolition or Temporary Facilities.  The City of San Dimas Building and Safety Division has a comprehensive list of all submittal items required for Detached Single-Family Residential, Multi-Family Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) Pre-Manufactured, Detached Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) with Solar, Junior Accessory Dwelling Units, and Residential Additions.

To review our Residential submittal checklist please click HERE.
To obtain a copy of our Building Permit Application please click HERE.

Other Agency Reviews
  • San Dimas Building Division
  • San Dimas Planning Department
  • San Dimas Public Works Department
  • San Dimas  Parks and Recreation Department
  • Golden State Water District (GSWD)
  • Southern California Edison (SCE)
  • Southern California Gas (SCG)
  • South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)
  • Homeowners Association (HOA)
  • LA County Fire Department (LACFD)
  • Bonita Unified School District (BUSD)
  • Glendora Unified School District (GUSD)
  • Covina Valley Unified School District (C-VUSD)
  • Charter Oak Unified School District (COUSD)
  • LA County Sanitation District
  • Elevator/Pressure Vessel (LADBS)
  • LA County Health Department (Septic)
To view the City of San Dimas' Master Fee Schedule, please click HERE.

Sample Documents
Detached Single Family  Residential
***For current fee schedule, please see the FEES section above.

***For current fee schedule, please see the FEES section above.

Detached Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) with Solar
***For current fee schedule, please see the FEES section above.

***For current fee schedule, please see the FEES section above.

***For current fee schedule, please see the FEES section above.

Mixed Use
***For current fee schedule, please see the FEES section above.