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Budgeting is an essential element of the financial planning, control, and evaluation process and is the City’s annual financial operating plan. The budget document represents the policy direction set by the City Council through a strategic five-month collaborative process between the City Council, City staff, and the public to prepare the financial blueprint for the upcoming year. The Finance Division prepares the budget work papers and works with Administration and departments to compile the data and information necessary to calculate budget estimates. Once all the departments have submitted their budget estimates they are given to the Finance Division. Finance Division responsible for compiling the final document including budget detail, fund balance, revenue and expenditure schedules, budget notes, and to prepare the calculation of the Appropriations Limit for Administration to submit along with the final budget to the City Council for adoption. The budget document is intended to give a comprehensive view of the City’s day to day operations and capital improvement projects. The City operates on a fiscal year basis, and the budget begins July 1st through June 30th of each year.
The Document Center provides easy access to public documents. Click on one of the categories below to see related documents or use the search function.