Traffic Services

Traffic Safety Committee
The City of San Dimas is dedicated to the needs and concerns of our residents. In regards to traffic safety and traffic-related matters, the Traffic Safety Committee meets to discuss resident, business, and staff concerns. The meetings are typically held on the third WEDNESDAY of every other month at 9:30am in the Council Chambers Conference Room and are open to the public.

To submit a traffic related concern, please complete the Traffic Investigation Report (TIR) request form below. The form may be sent via email to , or printed and submitted via mail or in person to Public Works, San Dimas City Hall, 245 E. Bonita Avenue.  All requests are initially reviewed by the Public Works Director. If further investigation is recommended, the request will be reviewed by the Traffic Safety Committee by the procedures and schedule. For further questions call  (909) 394-6240.
Click here for a copy of the TIR can be found here: TIR

Traffic Counts 24 Hour Machine Traffic Counts 2017
The City can record traffic count data in the area of volume, speed, and vehicle classification.

The City maintains volume counts on file of major intersections including arterial, collector and residential streets. Additional counts are kept for areas where traffic engineering studies were required. Traffic counts at various intersections throughout the City as of August 2017.

Click here for a copy of the most recent data: 24 Hour Count

Engineering and Traffic (Speed Zone) Survey
The City’s Engineering and Traffic Survey (often referred to as a Speed Zone Survey) is the approved and governing document for speed limits on all City Streets.  The Study is conducted by a licensed Traffic Engineer in compliance with guidelines contained in the latest versions of the California Vehicle Code and the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.  The Traffic Engineering Study is submitted to City Council for approval and adopted via passing of a City Ordinance.  The approved Speed Zone Study is distributed to the Sheriff’s Department for their use in enforcement of speed limits.

Click here for the current Engineering and Traffic (Speed Zone) Survey and for additional information click here for the Appendix of the report containing the data sheets.

Truck Routes
At the January 24, 2023 City Council Meeting, Ordinance 1296 was approved amending section 10.32.030 of the San Dimas Municipal Code. The ordinance designated the following routes for vehicles exceeding the maximum gross weight of three (3) tons;
  • All state highways throughout the city;
  • Foothill Boulevard from west city boundary (Cataract Avenue) to the east city boundary (approximately three hundred fifty feet east of San Dimas Canyon Road);
  • Arrow Highway from west city boundary (Valley Center Avenue) to east city boundary (approximately three hundred feet west of San Dimas Canyon Road);
  • Cienega Avenue from west city boundary (Valley Center Avenue) to Arrow Highway;
  • Covina Boulevard from Badillo Street to Cataract Avenue;
  • Badillo Street within city limits from Sunflower Avenue to Covina Boulevard;
  • Puente Street from west city boundary (approximately eight hundred feet northwest of Avenida Monte Vista) to Via Verde;
  • Via Verde from south city boundary (Covina Hills Road) to 57 Freeway;
  • Lone Hill Avenue from north city boundary (Gladstone Street) to Covina Boulevard;
  • Cataract Avenue from Arrow Highway to Covina Boulevard;
  • San Dimas Avenue from Foothill Boulevard south to 210 Freeway;
  • San Dimas Avenue from Arrow Highway to Via Verde;
  • San Dimas Canyon Road from Foothill Boulevard to Arrow Highway.
cropped City of San Dimas Truck Routes Map - Color