

Update 3/25/2025

The project is nearing completion.  Final paving is scheduled for March 26th and 27th.  The paving phase will have the most significant impact on residents, with temporary traffic control on San Dimas Ave from Via Verde to just north of Calle Liseta. Expect increased construction traffic, including large trucks and paving equipment. Residents should plan for additional travel time to navigate through the area.

During the week of March 31st, the contractor will raise manholes to grade, install preliminary striping layout and cut in traffic signal loops.  The initial striping coat should be installed by the week of April 7th

When completed, the project will provide a smoother, quieter surface and include a bike lane. It also incorporates ground-up tires in the asphalt, which is both environmentally friendly and helps extend the pavement's lifespan.

Update 2/26/2025

The final paving project is scheduled to take place from March 10th - March 24th. The paving work will cover San Dimas Avenue, from 300 feet north of Calle Solana to Via Verde Avenue.

During the paving process, residents should expect some delays due to construction activity and truck traffic. Please obey all traffic signs and directions. The contractor will do their best to minimize disruption while ensuring a high-quality, durable finished surface. The new pavement will be smoother, and quieter compared to the existing one.

After paving is completed, additional work will include adjusting manholes to align with the new surface and applying lane and pavement striping. A Bike Lane will be added along San Dimas Avenue, between Via Verde and the San Dimas Loop intersection, also serving as a traffic calming measure.

Residents can expect to see striping and manhole adjustments continue through March 2025.

Edison will also return to install streetlights along San Dimas Avenue near the retaining wall improvements (approximately 500 feet north of Calle Solana). Other completed work includes the installation of 350 linear feet of the retaining wall up to 14 feet high, grading over 2,200 cubic yards of earth, and placing 400 linear feet of guardrail. Additionally, infrastructure for electricity, water, Spectrum, and Frontier has been relocated, with street light installation pending. The project also included the installation of 400 linear feet of curb and gutter and 8 ADA ramps. These improvements, along with the paving, total more than $2.7 million in upgrades.

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Update 1/17/2025

The retaining wall construction and backfill are complete.

Golden State Water will install a replacement water main over the next three weeks, which includes installation, pressure testing, chlorination, and connection to the existing system.

During this time, the City’s contractor will install nine upgraded ADA ramps on San Dimas Avenue, from the Loop intersection to Via Verde Ave.

Paving operations are anticipated to begin in mid to late February.

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Construction Update:  12/11/2024

The contractor received approval of the steel reinforcement and constructed temporary wooden framework to form the retaining walls.  On Saturday, December 7th, 2024, the contractor used a concrete pump to place the concrete into the wall forms.  The concrete in the retaining wall must now cure/harden before further work can take place.  Until the concrete reaches 80% of the ultimate concrete compressive strength, there will be very little activity on the job site.

The contractor will strip the wooden wall forms the week of December 16th. Also, during this week, the Geotechnical testing company will break several concrete test cylinders that were taken during the pouring of the concrete retaining wall to test the compressive strength.  Based on the type and strength of concrete used, the cure time will likely take until the week of December 23rd

If the concrete cylinders show the concrete has reached the required strength the contractor will start excavating and recompacting the earth behind the walls.  The contractor will also need to import suitable fill material so residents will see additional trucking activity.  Backfill operations are expected to continue through January 2nd.  After that Golden State Water will begin installation of a water main through January 24, 2025. 
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Construction Update: 11/12/2024

The City’s contractor has completed initial earthwork removals of approximately 7000 Cubic Yards of material.  They are working on the foundation for the retaining walls. Below is an image of the contractor creating the keyway for the wall foundations.  These walls range up to 14’ in height. Contractor will be working on installation of the Concrete retaining wall for the next several weeks. 

 The street section remains closed to the public during the construction which is anticipated to continue through the end of January 2025. 

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Construction Update:  10/22/ 2024

Mass excavation is complete within the delineated cut area of the proposed retaining wall. The survey team has visited the site and staked the wall footing locations with vertical and horizontal control. The contractor has stockpiled a portion of bedrock material for use as backfill blend material on-site. The remainder of the excavated material has been exported off-site. Currently, the contractor is cutting the subgrade to the required depths below the bottom of the new retaining wall and will resume backfill lifts and re-compaction on October 23, 2024. The contractor will prepare the footing bottom elevation grade, followed by constructing the retaining wall forms. This retaining wall form construction will occupy the next two weeks. 

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UPDATE 10/4/24

The City Contractor will begin reconstruction of the roadway starting Monday, October 7, 2024.  The reconstruction will include grading of over 2,200 cubic yards, installation of retaining walls up to 14 feet and new guardrails, curb and gutter, and pavement. 

The street will remain closed to all vehicular and pedestrian traffic until the work is completed. Completion is estimated for January 2025, pending weather and all other unforeseen circumstances.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this work, please contact the Public Works Department at (909) 394-6240 or email us at  

UPDATE 8/28/2024

The San Dimas Ave Loop will be closing for utility relocation starting September 3, 2024. Edison work will take place through the first week of October and then the City’s contractor will begin reconstruction of the roadway. Due to the extensive work required, the road will likely be closed through January 2025.

UPDATE 1/12/2024

The San Dimas Avenue Loop road repair project is currently in the final phase of design, with reconstruction of the damaged area located 500 feet north of Calle Solana, anticipated to begin in late Spring 2024, pending the relocation of several utilities. Utility work, starting with the telecommunication lines, is expected to begin as early as January 2024.

While the City strives to minimize disruptions, it is important to note that there will be some inconveniences during the construction and utility relocation period. These may include temporary traffic delays, lane or road closures, detours, and increased noise levels.

What to Expect:
  • Construction will take place between 7 AM and 6 PM, Monday through Friday.
  • The utility relocation phase impacts will be intermittent.
  • Temporary Lane and Road closures will be clearly marked for your convenience.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this work, please contact the Public Works Department at (909) 394-6240 or email us at  Updates can also be found on the City’s website: under the Public Works Department.

Please continue to obey all traffic control signs and markings as they are in place to protect you and your neighbors.  We thank you for your cooperation and patience in this matter.

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UPDATE 5/16/2023
As of Friday, 5/12/23, the temporary traffic striping re-configuration was completed and the San Dimas Avenue Loop was re-established for two-way traffic.

Please obey all traffic control signs and markings as they are in place to protect you and your neighbors.  We thank you for your cooperation and patience in this matter.


Resident and commuter safety are of primary concern.  The City will continue to monitor the area and may adjust the traffic configuration based upon field observations and recommendations from the Geotechnical and Civil Engineers.  

Long term repairs for the street are in design and are estimated to cost approximately $4 million. These repairs will include relocation of utilities (water and electrical lines), 500 linear feet of retaining walls, extensive earthwork, guard rail, paving and striping.

Please contact Public Works at (909) 394-6240 or should you have additional questions.


UPDATE 4/28/2023
Staff is working with a Geotechnical Engineer and Civil Engineer to open the eastern side of the San Dimas Avenue Loop to two-way traffic.  This will require narrowing the roadway and shifting traffic closer to the west curb line. City crews are currently working to get the road ready for the reconfiguration of traffic.   

The two-way road reconfiguration is anticipated to be completed and open by mid-May, 2023
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Resident and commuter safety are of primary concern.  The City will continue to monitor the area and may adjust the traffic configuration based upon field observations and recommendations from the Geotechnical and Civil Engineers.  

Long term repairs for the street are in design and are estimated to cost approximately $4 million. These repairs will include relocation of utilities (water and electrical lines), 500 linear feet of retaining walls, extensive earthwork, guard rail, paving and striping. 

Please obey all traffic control signs and markings as they are in place to protect you and your neighbors.  We thank you for your patience.


(Previous Update)
The northbound lane of San Dimas Avenue north of Calle Solana has been closed since February 25, 2023 due to storm damage compromising the roadway.  City staff apologize for the inconvenience and are actively working on the complex analysis and solution to restore full access to the neighborhood.  This webpage provides current information while the City works diligently to resolve this unusual situation.  Due to the complexity of the damage and repair, this will be an extended lane closure of a minimum of 9 to 12 months.  

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Frequently Asked Questions

What happened to close the traffic lane?

While conducting storm patrol operations due to the intense rainfall unseen in decades, City staff observed unusual erosion in this area.  The intense rainfall was washing out the subgrade base material from under the pavement onto the asphalt surface.  This type of observed condition is highly unusual and caught the eye of a diligent City employee as it was indicative of roadway compromise.  City staff immediately closed the traffic lane pending inspection.

Upon emergency inspection by a City’s Geotechnical Engineer, the engineer recommended the northbound direction remain closed to vehicular traffic.  Consequently, staff immediately closed the lane due to public safety concerns regarding erosion under the pavement and water intrusion into the underlying hillside slope.  A lane remains closed, and City staff have engaged a Geotechnical Consultant and a Civil/Structural Engineer to conduct further assessment and to provide repair methodologies.  This initial assessment work is currently in progress and is anticipated to take several months; however, the repairs and construction are estimated to take longer.

What is the City doing to resolve the situation?

Public safety is our first priority which includes restoring evacuation access as we enter the high fire danger season, and then, restoring full access and a permanent fix.    Below recaps what has transpired thus far:

  • The City has contracted with a Geotechnical Consultant and a Civil/Structural Engineer to conduct further assessment and provide repair methodologies.  This work is currently in progress and is anticipated to take several months.
  • City staff are working with our local disaster management organization to comply with all requirements necessary to potentially qualify for state and/or federal funding assistance.  The City has declared a local emergency which is required to seek external funding and we are working on alternate funding options in the case external funding is not available. The initial repair estimate is at least $3 million dollars due to the projected need for retaining walls and earthwork; however, the estimates may increase as the engineering analysis is completed. 
  • While the northbound direction of San Dimas Avenue is anticipated to be closed, in the interim, City Public Works staff are exploring several options to evaluate the feasibility of providing expedited access both in and out of the neighborhood through the remaining lane to alleviate the inconvenience caused by the roadway damage.
  • In the interim, we ask that all residents please obey all temporary traffic control signs; they are in place to protect you and your neighbors.

Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation during this repair/construction process.

Please contact Public Works at (909) 394-6240 or should you have additional questions.