Since its incorporation in 1960, the unprecedented growth of San Dimas has transformed the City from an essentially rural area to a well-balanced community offering industrial, commercial, and residential living. In addition to the 1,700 acre Frank G. Bonelli Recreational Area which lies within the City boundaries, there are many parks such as San Dimas Canyon Park, a city-owned golf course (San Dimas Canyon Golf Club), and over 27 miles of equestrian trails for riding. The city services include an extensive recreational program for youth and for senior citizens, and the City boasts a new modern City Hall, with excellent provisions made for County Sheriff and Fire Departments, along with a fine Los Angeles County Library and Engineering Regional Office.
Single-Use Plastics (AB 1276)
Assembly Bill (AB) 1276 - Single-Use Foodware Accessories and Standard Condiments was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on October 5, 2021. The City of San Dimas will enforce the State requirements that Food Service Providers only provide single-use foodware accessories and condiments upon request with some conditions and exceptions. Single-use foodware accessories refer to single-use, disposable products used for serving or transporting prepared food. Condiments refer to relishes, spices, sauces, confections, or seasoning that require no additional preparation and that are usually used on a food item after preparation.
Examples of single-use foodware accessories include utensils, straws, condiment cups, cup lids, stirrers, splash sticks, cocktail sticks and toothpicks.
Examples of single-use foodware accessories include utensils, straws, condiment cups, cup lids, stirrers, splash sticks, cocktail sticks and toothpicks.

Examples of condiments include ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, soy sauce, hot sauce, salsa, salt, pepper, sugar, and sugar substitutes.
These requirements will be in effect in two phases, with the first phase beginning June 1, 2022. Phase two begins on January 1, 2023.
Phase 1: June 1, 2022
All single-use foodware accessories are required to be comprised of a recyclable or compostable material. Food facilities will be prohibited from providing single-use foodware accessories without first receiving a request from the consumer.
Phase 1 Service Requirements
Phase 1 requirements expand to include full-service restaurants.
Full-service restaurants may provide single-use foodware accessories to consumers dining on the premise only under the following conditions:
- The restaurant has limited dishwashing capacity;
- The single-use food service ware is necessary to acommodate a sonsumer with a disability;
- The single-use food service ware is provided to a consumer upon request to carry out leftover ready-to-eat food after dining onsite;
- A public health tate of emergency has been delcared; or,
- If the single-use food service ware is a disposable paper food wrapper, foil wrapper, paper napkin, or paper tray or plate liner that is of a type and form accepted by local municpal recycling and composting programs.
Non-compliance of this mandate may be met with a fine. First and second violations result in a notice of violation and any additional violations carry a $25 fine not to exceed $300 annually.