Edible Food Recovery

Edible Food Recovery
What?  Senate Bill 1383 (SB 1383) is a new California law that requires businesses who produce food to donate the maximum amount of edible food they would otherwise throw away, to food recovery organizations.

Why?  Almost 1 in 4 Californians don't have enough to eat. Conserving edible food through food recovery provides a viable solution. In addition, food recovery reduces the amount of organic waste in landfills and limits the production of methane. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas that is created as food waste decomposes in landfills.  This gas traps heat in our atmosphere, resulting in detrimental effects on our environment and climate.
food recovery
Who?  SB 1383 requires some businesses to produce, sell, and serve food to donate excess edible food. These businesses have been categorized into two tiers.

Tier One is required to donate starting in 2022 and Tier Two in 2024. Tier 1 businesses can help their communities now by starting to work with local food banks,  food pantries, and other food recovery organizations and services.

Food Recovery Organizations (FROs)
A food recovery organization is an entity that collects and distributes edible food to the public for food recovery either directly or through other entities including, but not limited to, a food bank or non-profit charitable organization.

If your business fits into the mandated Tier One or Tier Two classification, please set up a food recovery agreement with one of the following organizations:

Organization Name Phone Website
Inland Valley Hope Partners 909.622.3806 https://www.inlandvalleyhopepartners.org/
Sowing Seeds for Life 909.293.7735 https://sowingseedsforlife.org/
St. Vincent de Paul Program 909.599.1243 https://hnmparish.org/svdp
NewSong Church 909.394.9488 https://newsongsd.org/
Hilltop Church 909.599.1603 https://www.hilltopsd.com/
LA County Food Drop 888.253.2652 https://pw.lacounty.gov/epd/sbr/food-drop.aspx
LA Regional Food Bank 323.234.3030 https://www.lafoodbank.org/

Food Recovery Services (FRSs)
A food recovery service is a person or entity that collects and transports edible food from a commercial food generator to a FRO or other entities for food recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Browse through a list of frequently asked questions, here.
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