Commercial Businesses & Multi-Family Complexes

Mandatory Organics Recycling (SB 1383 & AB 1826)
Senate Bill 1383 (SB 1383) and Assembly Bill 1826 (AB 1826) require all businesses that generate organic waste to subscribe to and/or participate in a program to recycle that waste. Organic waste includes food scraps, vegetable trimmings, plate scrapings, spoiled food, and landscaping waste. 

How do businesses or property managers comply?
  1. Recycle your organic material.
    • Self-haul organics to a permitted facility, such as a composting or anaerobic digestion facility. A record must be kept shown the amount of organic material delivered to each facility. 
  2. Provide organics and recycling service to employees, contractors, tenants, and customers.
    • Collection service must be arranged so that access to an adequate number, size, and location of carts is available.
    • For all outdoor and indoor carts, the cart bodies or lids shall have labels with graphic images to indicate primary materials accepted and prohibited, in addition to conforming to the following color scheme:
      • Trash - Gray/Black
      • Recycling - Blue* 
      • Organics - Green
    • Annually provide educational information about the legal requirements to compost and recycle. Education must be provided on how to properly sort the three waste streams into correct carts as well. Please note, for new tenants, this information must be provided before or within 14 days of move-in.
    • Periodically inspect recycling and organics carts and inform employees if contamination is found.
*Blue carts will be phased in by Waste Management over time.

For more information, refer to this flyer.

Getting Started
Commercial businesses or multi-family complexes that choose not to subscribe to Waste Management services for organics hauling must fill out a waiver request to self-haul. Quarterly third-party reporting of tonnages will be required. For more information, refer to the Wavier Request in the documents drop-down list below.

Employee Training
Within 14 days of first being on the premises and at least once a year, employees must be trained on recycling and sorting. City staff, CalRecycle, or a designee will routinely conduct inspection to assess compliance. Employees are required to allow for inspectors on-site to examine relevant locations and records. Click here to learn more about mandatory employee training.

Forms for Commercial Businesses and Multi-Family Complexes
Access forms for commercial businesses and multi-family complexes in the drop-down list below.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Browse through a list of frequently asked questions, here.
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The Document Center provides easy access to public documents. Click on one of the categories below to see related documents or use the search function.

Categories always sorted by seq (sub-categories sorted within each category)
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Documents7 documents

  • SB 1383 for Commercial Businesses & Multi-Family Complexes
    document seq 0.00
  • Mandatory Employee Training
    document seq 2.00
  • Commercial Food Generator FAQs
    document seq 3.00

Self-Hauling Documents2 documents

  • Third Party Quarterly Reporting Form
    document seq 0.00
  • Self-Haul Certification & Transaction Record
    document seq 2.00

Forms for Commercial Businesses and Multi-Family Complexes2 documents

  • Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling Waiver Request
    document seq 0.00
  • On-Site Compliance & Site Inspection Forms
    document seq 2.00